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12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm


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The 12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm is an authentic parallel-import item. It will be shipped from our suppliers warehouse and may take 1 to 2 days for processing after payment confirmation. The parcel will be sent Out by International Registered Post Courier Service and may take 4 to 10 working days for delivery. To track the parcel please click Dpex (if 12 characters) or UBI (if 21 characters). If a charger is required for this product an Australian Certified Charger will be provided instead of the original charger (selected product only).

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RedTicket Price History - 12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm
Last updated Wednesday 5th February.

About 12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm - Crazy Sales

12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm. Please note that this item is an authentic parallel-import and will be shipped from our suppliers warehouse. It may take 1 to 2 days for processing after payment confirmation. The parcel will be sent Out by International Registered Post Courier Service and may take 4 to 10 working days for delivery. To track your parcel please click On Dpex (if 12 characters) or UBI (if 21 characters). If this product requires a charger an Australian Certified Charger will be provided instead of the original charger. Please note that this applies to selected products only.

Professional video car parking radar system for your beloved car. With camera and 4.3 inch TFT LCD monitor, display the real-time image and obstacles distance. 2 video input: one connects to the car parking radar and camera; the other one connects to car DVD or VCD. 4 parking sensors, detecting distance: 0.3~1.8m. With buzzer alert, the closer the obstacles is, the faster the sound alert. There is a buzzer on/off on the back of the monitor. Suitable for all DC 12V cars, easy installation and operation. Detect small children and low walls as well. Help to prevent dangerous and costly collisions, increased safety for pa

More Information About Automotive, GPS Navigation

GPS Navigation is a must-have for any driver. It helps you find the quickest route to your destination, saving you time and money. It also provides you with up-to-date traffic information and alerts you to potential hazards. With GPS Navigation, you can easily find the best route to your destination, avoiding traffic jams and construction zones. You can also find points of interest along the way, so you don't miss out on any attractions or landmarks.

Information About Crazy Sales

Crazy Sales is a leading e-commerce platform in Australia, specialising in offering a wide variety of products at deeply discounted prices. Their extensive product range spans multiple categories, including home and garden, sports and fitness, electronics, pet supplies, and even baby and kids' items, making it a one-stop-shop for all your needs.

What sets Crazy Sales apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction and service. The company doesn't just offer low prices; they provide a comprehensive shopping experience that prioritises the customer. With a dedicated team ensuring fast shipping, secure payments, and top-notch customer service, Crazy Sales has become more than just a discount online store. It's a trusted marketplace where quality, affordability, and a wide selection come together to offer the ultimate shopping experience.

12V 4 Parking Sensors LCD Display Camera Video Car Reverse Backup Radar System Kit Buzzer Alarm

